Friday, August 24, 2012

Oprah Life Class

I'm so behind on Oprah's Life Class!!  Thank goodness for PVRs.

Finally watched the latest one about Difficult Conversations.  I was surprised to see a family in my area on the show.  But issues between families happen in every neighbourhood.  

When the steps were listed out, I was open to the idea of it all.  Initially, I thought the answers would be easy for this family.  But once we got to the intention of the conversation, that wasn't so easy!  I think I would have answered similarly as those daughters did.  

So the difficulty isn't even in just starting the conversation with the other person, it's really about understanding the purpose.  That was an A-Ha moment for me! 

As much as I believe in the power of having a difficult conversation, the other person needs to be in a headspace to hear me say those words.  I have to be present in hearing what they have to say.  

And sometimes, two people are not in the same place to hear each other out.  That's just the way it is.  I've had difficult conversations with people and maybe I did unconsciously follow these steps and those conversations were fulfilling and created a new space between me and the other person.  And there were those conversations where I felt like I was the only one talking and the other person was in the blame mode or just in a negative space where my energy wasn't even making a dent into their negative bubble. difficult conversations coming up any time soon. 

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