Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Thought a Day

What's trending? A Thought a Day. You can do it cheaply...or you can get it as a gift. ROFL! I did get it as a gift and it's a thick journal. Everyday you write one thought down and you do this for 5 years. It's pretty daunting to journal everyday. Sorry Oprah, can't do it. But Oprah, I can write down things that I'm grateful for in this book. The idea is that on any one day during the 5 years, you'll know what you've done and get a sense where you've been. I was skeptical. But on January 1st I started. And I've been writing in it everyday. And even just looking back to the beginning of the year is quite awesome. I can barely remember last week let alone last month. So this is a great little gift. I'll have to thank my wonderful friend for getting it for me. Thanks BFF...totally awesome!

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