Sunday, April 29, 2012


The other night, I went to the new IKEA. So big. So much furniture..... Anyways, we got to the kid's section. Even though they have separate rooms, they want to spend a ton of time together. It's actually quite awesome. They wanted to get those full bunk beds for girls. Can't say I haven't thought about it. But both of them want the top. I don't want to have to switch them each night so that it's fair. I don't want to do it weekly either because inevitably some "unfairness" will come out. If it was me, I'd always want the bottom bunk. Ahhhh...going pee at night is a heck of a lot easier. And my feet always hurt when climbing to the top bunk. Yeah, gave it a quick thought...and then abandoned the idea of getting them one.

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