Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Oh Oprah. How I love thee! I love that you're back with some new life classes.

Tonight's topic is a good one. Anger. What is it, how do we learn from it and how do we move on.

I've dealt with issues my own way. And this class put a new perspective on things. It's a good thing!

oooo...I wonder what tomorrow's topic will be?!

Until then, time to pull on my Oprah sweatshirt and finish watching this episode!


T said...

Tell you what, this commentary made me angry!! I thought she was gone and done forever!! Now she's back?! After never really leaving? What a scam!! This lady is an egomaniac. Did u know her magazine covers consisted of a photo of herself, 100% of the time? it's true.

Peachy said...

Sorry to hear. But don't be a hater! And shouldn't the initials from your comment start with a G? =)