Monday, October 31, 2011


The kids are so stinking excited about today. They have a beautiful night to go Trick or Treating. Yay! Especially since it's my night to go with them. I've got a vampire princess and a chinese cinderella. SWEET.

It'll be fun. Just hope the hubby gets home in time to give out candy! I hate sticking them by the door because some kids take more than their share...and of course, you've got the crappy kid that may just take the whole bowl. But if he's not home in time, that's just the way it is. BAD karma to the kid that takes it all. 

My block is kind of crazy with decorations. I'm sure it's beat the Jones' attitude. But there is this one house, seriously...I get cold sweats just walking up the stairs. Last year, I made it partway up the stairs and had to retreat back I was so freaked out. And my one kid this year wants to "risk" it and go to the house. She's on her fricken own. My ticker can't handle that house. It's that awesomely horrifying. She'll probably scream the whole time. NICE.

So another year, another Halloween. Hope everybody has a great time!

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