Thursday, December 30, 2010


What I've always known about myself and my relationships is that I probably will never have a best "girlfriend." Sure, I'll say my husband is my best friend, but it's not the same as a best girlfriend. Am I sad about this? No, not really. And that's because I feel like I'm surrounded by a number of girlfriends that all play different roles in my life and support me in different ways. I have those that I disclose basically everything to but I don't do a lot of activities with. I have those that are plain old activity buddies. I have friends that I've been to school with. I have those that I share special occassions with and events with. Some friends come and go througout my life. Sometimes, my friends interchange their roles. You get what I'm saying. At the end of the day, I still don't have a best friend and that's ok.

Some of us are fortunate to have a best gal friend that meets all our needs. But I think that's totally rare. For those that are searching for the one all be all friend, perhaps it's time to think of "splitting up" that one role to a number of different friends.

On the flip side, sometimes people drift apart, or things don't work out, there are personality clashes or it's just not a healthy relationship. And as painful as it is to let a friend go, sometimes you just need to. I know that I've been the one to be let go of before. And though the initial moment it hurt like hell, I've always seen the positive behind that decision and learned from it. I've never hated those people for letting me go. In some ways, I guess I thank them for helping me learn certain things in life and about friendships.

So to all my current friends and to my friends of the past, thank you for all that you've taught me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

here here!!