Monday, December 6, 2010


I took my youngest to McDonald's today. Yes, I realize it's not the healthiest item. But my kid needed to burn off some energy in the play area before our next stop. So McDonald's was the best bet.

As we sat there eating, I noticed that there was an adult and a kid sitting to my left and perpendicular to me. Might have been about 6 feet of space between us. The adult looked like she was helping the kid with some type of homework.

I continued to eat not caring about what they were studying. But then, the woman piped up and asked me a question. And this is how our conversation went:

"Excuse me, do you know what that religion know, the one that you can have multiple wives?"


"Oh, that's right! Thanks so much!"

"Uh, that's an interesting homework assignment you both are working on."

She just laughed. Honestly, this kid was maybe 7 years old. WHY in the world are they talking about polygomy? And what school homework were they working on? The last I heard, polygomy was not a religion either.

I guess a lot of things have changed since my time at school.

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