Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Electronic Newsletters

I sign up for electronic newsletters...all the time. I eventually unsubscribe. But I sign up because there's an opportunity to win a contest, to get information that seems interesting...or to get good deals. Unfortunately, it can suck looking at the information sometimes.

It's not actually bad, but more like what I can't get. Believe me when I say that I can spend money well and quickly. But I also know how slowly the money comes in. I hate not being able to grab good deals though. Lately, there have been a lot of travel deals for things like Orlando vacations or California flights. Umm...would love to go but can't right now. Or deals for this awesome purse I've been eyeing. Ouch...$200 US and that doesn't include the duty fees yet? Oooo...or how about some new gadget? Not right now... can't justify it. I'm doing the slow and steady saving right now because I just have to. You just never know when something might happen where you will need your money to cover it.

So, I probably should unsubscribe to more stuff so I don't see any of the deals. It's like torture to a woman to see a sale and be able to access it!

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