Monday, May 14, 2012


It's time for the next round of folks that I know to get married. When I was in my late 20s...seemed like I was going to weddings almost every week. In a 3 year period, I had gone to 27 weddings. Seriously...the money I spent on those weddings, I could have gone around the world. Maybe even twice. But I love my friends and couldn't imagine missing their wedding. But I do have some younger friends and they are down the marrying route. Seems lovely. One of the brides I knew asked what are unique wedding gifts for the groom? I think it's a different generation and maybe they have different ideas. I told her that I got scuba lessons for my husband as I wanted to be able to scuba dive with him on our honeymoon. And we did end up scuba diving and I loved it. He also loved his gift as it was something he'd always wanted to do. That to me is unique but also thoughtful. I say get something unique but don't go so crazy unique that he won't know what to do with the gift. As long as it's meaningful, it'll be awesome.

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