I love my one cup coffee machine. But I'm always looking out to see what the next new product is or how one can be better. Checked out the grind and brew from CoffeeMakers.com
Not bad...something to think about for future purposes. Though it might be better for a gift. Maybe my brother in law! OMG. That man can drink coffee. I had to laugh so hard because last Christmas, our family gave him 4 huge containers of coffee. He still talks about that gift.
So we'll see...this one might be a contender.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Cheap Entertainment
Friday night, I was with the kids. Hubby had plans. It was such a beautiful night, I really felt we had to go out and do something. But I didn't want to go out to an inside activity. Having such long nights is something we have been waiting for a long time for...didn't want to waste it.
So we opted to go to the beach. There's a beach nearby with an open park that's perfect for kit flying. We had an early dinner, hopped into the car and drove to the beach. The ride itself was awesome as it was that beautiful of a night. We were there in 7 minutes and easily found parking. Woo hoo! What's even better is that it's a side of the beach that not a lot of people go to.
When we got there, the wind was perfect. Consistent, but not too hard, and warm.
The kidlets started flying their kites right away and I could just see that they were having a fabulous time. They were trying all different ways of flying their kites. At one point, both kids were just lying in the grass while flying their kite. They were so content lying there and watching this kite go back and forth, back and forth.
It's hard not to be content on a night like this. By the beach, beautiful water, sun, sounds of nature, incredible clear blue sky and lots of giggles with my 2 favourite girls.
When we got there, the wind was perfect. Consistent, but not too hard, and warm.
The kidlets started flying their kites right away and I could just see that they were having a fabulous time. They were trying all different ways of flying their kites. At one point, both kids were just lying in the grass while flying their kite. They were so content lying there and watching this kite go back and forth, back and forth.
It's hard not to be content on a night like this. By the beach, beautiful water, sun, sounds of nature, incredible clear blue sky and lots of giggles with my 2 favourite girls.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Manners. If there is anything I will teach my kids, it's manners. And over the years, I've been at them to say thank you, please, may I. To ask in tones that reflect that they are entitled to something, to learn how to ask for things by understanding someone's style. On and on.
Yes, I forget mine sometimes. But I'm usually polite. I don't think much of it because I just think I should be. I was fortunate today to have someone tell me how nice it is and how it always makes their day.
I was suprised at the source. It was the doctor's receptionist. I've never had a problem with her in person or on the phone. She always helps me. She can't always accomodate the dates and times I want, but whatever. I find another date.
I walked in today, said my hello while I checked in and the receptionist asked me if I had a minute. Sure, I'm just waiting for the doctor. But she took off her head set and got all serious on me. Yeah...either she was telling she was leaving or she's mad at me something. It was THAT type of look.
"I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time."
"Ok, are you leaving?"
"No...I'm never leaving. But I wanted to say, you are by far the most polite person ever that calls here. The most polite!"
"Oh, yes. I have no problems ever taking your calls. Why are some people so mean on the phone?" Then she provided some pretty nasty examples.
Well, I thanked her. That was really nice of her to take the time out to say that I was polite. LOL!
Monday, May 14, 2012
LOL! My husband hates my wallet. My last one was a wallet that lasted me 10 years. It was one of those black leather walletsthat had a change section, could fold up to save room, etc. But the change portion was wearing out so I got myself another wallet. It is a brown leather one, also with a change section and folds.
The other day, he was looking at my wallet and said it was lucky. Well, it probably is. But I don't care. I like it and it works for me. Just like when my girlfriends make fun of my gangster like sunglasses. Doesn't stop me from wearing them. I have thicker skin than that.
But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Can't say I like how my husband's wallet looks....
I wish my organization would use different videoconference services. It's easy enough to book and organize. However, the quality is terrible. Everything lags big time. The picture quality sucks too. It's always fuzzy and the speech is always ahead of how the mouth moves. It's very distracting.
I get that there may be a lag even with the best of equipment. But it can't be slower than what we have. Maybe try ActConferencing.com web conferencing. Though, I'm sure this would have to go to tender so I have no clue if any company would be picked up.
But I guess in this time of financial constraint, this is just a dream. We'll just have to stick to the current system we have.
Ok...so maybe not a pool in the backyard. Maybe I should buy a gazebo kit instead. Again, the backyard is big enough to support a structure such as that.
I just have so many ideas of what I want to do, but not sure what. I might have to suck it up and just get a landscape architect help me draw out some plans with some items that I like so I can have a better visual of what could be done back there.
Until then, I'm just happy that my grass is green and it's a ton of room for my kids to roam in.
My kids are sweet. On most days, they are actually really thoughtful. What I love is they will go out with me/grandparent/school and when they see buttercups or cute flowers, they love to go see and pick them. But they inevitably pick a bunch of flowers and make a number of floral arrangements for me to put on the kitchen table.
Sometimes, the flowers are already wilted from the heat by the time they come home. Sometimes, they are so tiny that they've lost a number of flowers. Some are so full of pollen that I'm sneezing my head off!
Regardless of what the flowers look like, I always put them on the table. My kids pick flowers for me because they love me.
I don't like travelling when it's right on the cusp of changing seasons. It's really difficult to determine clothing and items to bring. Do I bring the shaving accessories? Hard to tell if it's kind of warm but not really. Do I bring the bathing suit? But it seems so windy. Do I bring the jeans, but it seems like it will get sunny and hot. How about the umbrella? I mean, it could suddenly rain.
I know...first world problems and these are good ones to have. Except, it doesn't make packing any easier.
It's time for the next round of folks that I know to get married. When I was in my late 20s...seemed like I was going to weddings almost every week. In a 3 year period, I had gone to 27 weddings. Seriously...the money I spent on those weddings, I could have gone around the world. Maybe even twice. But I love my friends and couldn't imagine missing their wedding.
But I do have some younger friends and they are down the marrying route. Seems lovely. One of the brides I knew asked what are unique wedding gifts for the groom? I think it's a different generation and maybe they have different ideas. I told her that I got scuba lessons for my husband as I wanted to be able to scuba dive with him on our honeymoon. And we did end up scuba diving and I loved it. He also loved his gift as it was something he'd always wanted to do. That to me is unique but also thoughtful.
I say get something unique but don't go so crazy unique that he won't know what to do with the gift. As long as it's meaningful, it'll be awesome.
I have a 4000 square foot backyard. I love it. But it's a ton of work. So much that I had to get a person to come in and help. Just can't keep up with everything that I have to do.
However, I have had thoughts of having a pool back there. It would be perfect for the summer. In the winter time, maybe get one a rheem pool heater to keep the pool warm for me. Get a diving board maybe? Oooo...need toys for the kids. The list goes on.
But then I just have to realize, I only have so much time. I can't imagine starting to have to clean the pool or have someone come in. And I'd hate it if I couldn't use it all the time and have it just sit there.
I can dream. But until then, I know my yard is looking pretty darn good with that yard guy coming in to do the work. Thank goodness. Or it would just look like a jungle out there!
Everytime I go to restaurants, I see the servers use those elo touch monitors. I want one for the house. I have no clue if that's even possible...but I love the idea. And really, I think it's the future.
One monitor showing one panel that operates everything in the house. That way, I don't have to go to the alarm to turn it off, go upstairs to turn off the light I forgot, go turn off the tv in the front room, etc. Whatever I want to do or turn on/off, one panel. Yes, that's what I want.
Until then, I guess I just have to be satisfied that my server knows what they are doing and I get the food I ordered!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Mother's Day Gifts
Ooooo. Mother's Day is coming up. Not so concerned about me. But I have to get some gifts for my "mothers" in my life. I like the Mom gifts at Sharis BerriesMom gifts at Shari Berries. But I've left it too late to have them ship. However, maybe it's just safer that I didn't order because I'd probably eat them all!!!
Well, if anything, I'm hoping for a sunny day for Mother's Day.
Well, if anything, I'm hoping for a sunny day for Mother's Day.
Possible Gifts
I try not to buy gifts that are personalized. Not because the gifts are not a good idea, it's just that not everybody wants their name on stuff. I get it. It's nice sometimes when you want to make sure no one takes it or knows the item is yours. But sometimes, I don't like my name out there.
I might consider getting coffee mugs with names on themcoffee mugs with names on them for some of the leaders in a group my girls belong too. Hee hee. They always have coffee with them. Yeah...well, if I had to deal with 24 girls each week, I'd be having coffee well on hand too.
I might consider getting coffee mugs with names on themcoffee mugs with names on them for some of the leaders in a group my girls belong too. Hee hee. They always have coffee with them. Yeah...well, if I had to deal with 24 girls each week, I'd be having coffee well on hand too.
Packing Material
If I had known that there was anti static foam for packing, I think I would have done a lot more E-bay business before kids. But now that I have them, it makes it a little harder. And really, sometimes I just don't have the energy. Finding the right box or packing material...then having to go to the post office.
But maybe it's worth thinking about again with this packing material....hmmmmm.
But maybe it's worth thinking about again with this packing material....hmmmmm.
Monday, May 7, 2012
I was at the grocery store yesterday getting some food for the week. I was on the last part of my shopping trip...down the freezer aisle to get some frozen perogies. Yes, very asian....I know.
Oooo. They're on sale. Grab a pack and I start heading to the end of the aisle to make a turn so I can head to the cashier to pay for my food. Suddenly, a woman pops in front of my cart. What the....!
Woman: Hey...how are you? I haven't seen you for a while....
Me: Oh hey...I'm well. Yeah, I've been shopping at different days and times. So I don't see people I used to see anymore. How are you?
Woman: Oh, ok. I'm busy. But my mom passed away and I'm still dealing....
So this conversation goes on for a while and I'm getting cold because I'm still in the freezer section. But I just felt like the woman needed someone that day to just pour out her soul about the passing of her month a couple of months ago and how she's dealing with her dad now, how she's trying to go on with life, etc.
Ok. I get it. Sounded like she was having a tough day and saw a familiar face and needed to download, even if it was at a local grocery store. She was tearing up and everything. Felt terrible for her.
I don't usually have a problem with this at all as we all have days that we just need to download. But on this day, there were a couple of things that were not good about this situation:
1) We didn't know each other's name. Awkward. I would have asked and said I didn't remember...but when she went right into my mother passed away and the teary eyes came on, I just didn't have the heart to ask.
2) She seemed to know me, but I'm telling you...I racked my brain and I tried to think of all the places I knew this woman...I had no stinking clue. Worked with her? Nope. Her kids went to the same school as mine? Nope. Service person? Nope.
So seriously...I had no clue. None. Zippo. Nada. For the 10 minutes I stood in the freezer aisle freezing my butt off, I had no clue who I was talking to about the death of their mom. I felt terrible.
3) I've really come to the conclusion that this woman went home, realized she was talking to a total stranger that she thought was someone else.
Well, I hope she felt better that day.
Oooo. They're on sale. Grab a pack and I start heading to the end of the aisle to make a turn so I can head to the cashier to pay for my food. Suddenly, a woman pops in front of my cart. What the....!
Woman: Hey...how are you? I haven't seen you for a while....
Me: Oh hey...I'm well. Yeah, I've been shopping at different days and times. So I don't see people I used to see anymore. How are you?
Woman: Oh, ok. I'm busy. But my mom passed away and I'm still dealing....
So this conversation goes on for a while and I'm getting cold because I'm still in the freezer section. But I just felt like the woman needed someone that day to just pour out her soul about the passing of her month a couple of months ago and how she's dealing with her dad now, how she's trying to go on with life, etc.
Ok. I get it. Sounded like she was having a tough day and saw a familiar face and needed to download, even if it was at a local grocery store. She was tearing up and everything. Felt terrible for her.
I don't usually have a problem with this at all as we all have days that we just need to download. But on this day, there were a couple of things that were not good about this situation:
1) We didn't know each other's name. Awkward. I would have asked and said I didn't remember...but when she went right into my mother passed away and the teary eyes came on, I just didn't have the heart to ask.
2) She seemed to know me, but I'm telling you...I racked my brain and I tried to think of all the places I knew this woman...I had no stinking clue. Worked with her? Nope. Her kids went to the same school as mine? Nope. Service person? Nope.
So seriously...I had no clue. None. Zippo. Nada. For the 10 minutes I stood in the freezer aisle freezing my butt off, I had no clue who I was talking to about the death of their mom. I felt terrible.
3) I've really come to the conclusion that this woman went home, realized she was talking to a total stranger that she thought was someone else.
Well, I hope she felt better that day.
With a PVR, I tend to skip commercials, unless they're really good. But let's be honest...I can't say that there are too many ads that are "good." It's like ad agencies have run out of ideas.
So, when I saw this one headline for this one ad...and saw that it got some great reviews, figured I'd give it a chance. It was 2 minutes of my life that I could spare. And it was from a different country...and I always like to see what other countries do.
LOL! Don't even try translating at the beginning. All I have to say is wait for it. Watch until the end. I thought it was funny and a memorable commercial.
Hope you enjoy it too!
So, when I saw this one headline for this one ad...and saw that it got some great reviews, figured I'd give it a chance. It was 2 minutes of my life that I could spare. And it was from a different country...and I always like to see what other countries do.
LOL! Don't even try translating at the beginning. All I have to say is wait for it. Watch until the end. I thought it was funny and a memorable commercial.
Hope you enjoy it too!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Sucky Parents
There is this one kid at my kid's daycare and he is the sweetest kid. Really great manners. Always has neat things to say. Seems very caring and empathetic too. Curious and smart. I've always enjoyed seeing this kid at the daycare.
But the mom? UGH. She sucks. And I keep thinking to myself how a kid can turn out so nicely despite the mom being so nasty?
She's always yelling at the kid. She never seems happy to be with him. Always sneering. Never listening.
And seriously, she's just rude. I say hi to her and she never says hi back. She's always parking in 2 spots rather than 1 so others have to park further down than they need to. I've heard her yell at the daycare workers. She yaps on her phone really loudly even though there are tons of people around her. She owns the world. Well, so she thinks.
So what a conundrum! The daycare wouldn't deny care to this great kid as the kid isn't the problem. It's the mother. And I know the daycare workers have had some issues with her...especially with her yelling at them. Not ok.
I just shake my head...how can some freaky parents have the nicest kids?!
But the mom? UGH. She sucks. And I keep thinking to myself how a kid can turn out so nicely despite the mom being so nasty?
She's always yelling at the kid. She never seems happy to be with him. Always sneering. Never listening.
And seriously, she's just rude. I say hi to her and she never says hi back. She's always parking in 2 spots rather than 1 so others have to park further down than they need to. I've heard her yell at the daycare workers. She yaps on her phone really loudly even though there are tons of people around her. She owns the world. Well, so she thinks.
So what a conundrum! The daycare wouldn't deny care to this great kid as the kid isn't the problem. It's the mother. And I know the daycare workers have had some issues with her...especially with her yelling at them. Not ok.
I just shake my head...how can some freaky parents have the nicest kids?!
BBQ Time
Ahhh...it's almost time to pull out the gas grill. YES! Can't wait to start cooking on the grill. That means that summer might be around the corner. And parties...outdoors!
But I guess spring has to show up before summer can. It's been grey out there. And I can't say I've been a big fan.
Though, I do have to admit, my grass has never been greener. That's a plus.
Well, I will keep waiting for a lovely day to bring out the grill and make some yummy food on there. One day....
But I guess spring has to show up before summer can. It's been grey out there. And I can't say I've been a big fan.
Though, I do have to admit, my grass has never been greener. That's a plus.
Well, I will keep waiting for a lovely day to bring out the grill and make some yummy food on there. One day....
When you buy stuff, usually, you need to buy something else. And so they cycle continues. You buy a tv, you're most likely needing to by a tv stand with mounts or a tv stand. You buy some new clothing, chances are you'll need to buy some new accessory or shoes. New hobby? Then you have to buy everything for that new hobby. LOL!
So, buying isn't such an easy thing any more. Especially when you only really wanted to buy 1 thing.
So, buying isn't such an easy thing any more. Especially when you only really wanted to buy 1 thing.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
My organization is currently going through a downsizing "exercise." I get it...as an organization, they have to save money. But I've read about other companies that have gotten through the tough times and not laid off a person. Laying off a person is "easy," but finding other solutions is not.
Yesterday, a number of staff received news that they would be affected. They have some options in front of them. But I'm not entirely sure they're fantastic ones. I guess it's better than no options.
Some folks are taking it really hard, some expected some cuts (though nothing this deep), some are angry as hell and some are just barely hanging on to their sanity. None of these emotions are wrong. It's just how people are reacting. And really, losing one's job is really like having a death. People need to grieve, sort through the shock and emotions before they can move on.
However, for those that are "surviving" in the organization such as myself...lot of mixed emotions. I am fortunate and feel grateful that I'm still here. However, lots of survivor guilt as I was in a program line that was basically completely cut. I could have been one of them. I am so sad for many of these folks as these are not just co-workers but friends that I actually go out with and tell my life story to and vice versa.
I also think that this is done for now...but round 2 is coming up. We've already been warned. And with some of the rumours swirling around...I could easily be part of the cuts in round 2. Won't try to worry too much about it because if it's me, it's me.
But if it is going to me next time...can we get George Clooney to fire me? I mean, in Up in the Air, he was a great person to be fired by. At least I'd have some eye candy.....
I think in this day and age, my generation finds it easy to find websites and to navigate through them. Doesn't matter what type of website...we manage to find our way and information just fine.
For the next generation, why wouldn't they find stuff on the internet? It's just part of life. Don't know how many times my kids have said to Google something.
So when it comes to certain websites that say click here to read more, I tend to avoid those. I find those statements and links distracting.
Thanks for letting me know where to click...but I think I can find it just fine.
For the next generation, why wouldn't they find stuff on the internet? It's just part of life. Don't know how many times my kids have said to Google something.
So when it comes to certain websites that say click here to read more, I tend to avoid those. I find those statements and links distracting.
Thanks for letting me know where to click...but I think I can find it just fine.
Well, Facebook is trying to tell me something. Apparently FB thinks I'm male.
Hmmm...ads for enlarge maxx review. But I don't have a certain body part! Kind of difficult I would say and no point in taking it. LOL! But hey, thanks for letting me know.
I thought FB would show ads based on profile info. Hmmmm...now I'm concerned and I better go check!
Are there that many companies that want you to sell them your gold? I'm surprised at just HOW many ads there are for gold buying places? Do they buy all this gold, melt it and then sell it again? Can't say I buy gold bars as a hobby.
However, having said that, if I was rich, I would totally melt gold and make gold bars...but use them as paperweights. Wow. Wouldn't it be nice to be that rich.
Well, guess I'll be dreaming for a while longer. Didn't quite win the lotto this time around.
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