Sunday, August 14, 2011

Homemade goodies

I have been on a totally "bake your own basics" kick. And I'm loving it! And my family is liking it too.

I don't how many times I may buy some new type of food because I think the family will like it, or it would be a nice change, or hoping that they'll actually eat it. Nine times out of ten, they reject it. So I end up buying the same thing over and over or the stuff goes into the garbage. Hey, I'm asian...there's no wasting food around here!

So I started making my own bread (without a bread machine), my own pizza dough and even my own hamburger buns. Still working on the hamburger buns, but my family still likes it. The point is, everybody is eating the stuff. I know what exactly is in it and I don't feel bad at all. It's also so nice to change up what my family has in their lunch boxes. Yeah.

Time to buy another bag of flour soon. OMG. when I first bought the 10kg bag, I thought I'd never get through it. I have a 1/3 of a bag left. It's been about a month. Just baking like a crazy woman.

But I'm happy. Seriously, not hearing any food complaints is a blessing.... =)

1 comment:

T-Dawg said...

Woo hoo! Baking FTW!