Thursday, May 19, 2011


Part of growing up is learning to deal with teasing. It's never easy. And as a parent, it's that fine line of helping your kid learn how to deal with it and knowing when a parent needs to step in.

But I really do believe there is "good" in some teasing as it can be the greatest motivator. Tonight, I took my 2 daughters out for some bike riding. My 7 year old is still using training wheels. And I know she's ready to take it off. I've tried, but it didn't work. I've tried different incentives. I've tried different ways. But she seemed happy just riding with those training wheels on.

However, tonight she bumped into a neighbourhood friend who is 3 years younger and rides like a fiend. And this little neighbourhood friend said with that sneerish tone, "you still use training wheels?!"

Dang. I could tell that really hurt my daughter's feelings. And I know she was embarrassed. But I didn't want to step in quite yet because I wanted to see what she would do. The question was borderline teasing because of the tone. But it was a question.

My daughter made some comment about how she's still using them but was going to take them off anyways. And she tried to look away. But soon as this neighbourhood friend walked away, my daughter declared she was taking off her wheels. She marched into the garage and with her bare hands started unscrewing the screws and took the wheels off. She was pissed and so embarrassed.

I gave her a few tips to get on her bike and maintain power. Though she's not a full fledged rider...tonight, she got a chance to actually ride her bike, fell a couple of times, but she did not declare she wanted her wheels back on. Though she was frustrated at times, she kept at and she was so proud of herself. YEAH. Well done kiddo. I'm real proud of you too....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww!! Cute story! It's something you'd find in "Chicken soup for the Soul"!
