Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sleep Deprivation

For all of those that have crammed the night before an know feel terrible the next day. But somehow you get through your exam. Or when you're really sick and you can't sleep. One night of sleep deprivation and you're ready to hurt someone else.

So, amply that feeling of sleep deprivation for days, months if not years when you're a parent. Some parents tell other parents that "my kid sleeps for 12 hours a least." And I know some kids like that. But as long as you're a parent, you'll be deprived of that wonderful sleep at some point in your life...for lengthy periods of time.

I never understood how people functioned with kids and sleep deprivation...and now I know. I'm experienced! From an infant crying through the night, to sick kids, to hungry children in the middle of the night or just plain bad dreams, those kids are are going to wake you up. I think my worst night was when I only had about 1 hour of sleep in a 24 hour period. And my worst time of sleep was when I had my 2nd kid. For 3 years, she never slept through the night.

No one truly understand that level of sleep deprivation unless you're a parent. No one can understand just how little sleep you need to just make it through the day. I didn't say function well, I just mean literally, get through the day.

If you're ever at a loss of what to give as a gift to other parents with young children...believe me, take their kids somewhere so they can have some peace and quiet...and a nap on the side. You'll be the bestest friend ever.

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