Saturday, January 8, 2011


Watching shows like Intervention or some drug related show, you see how ugly detox is. This could be coke, this could be heroin or an opiate detox. The person basically goes through hell. And it's no wonder why the person goes back to the drug...they want to come back from hell and feel normal or at least not in pain. However, it gets into that vicious cycle quickly and it's downhill from there.

I love and I hate these shows at the same tim. I love the fact that in the end, every single one of them is offered help. Whether or not they take it is another issue. But at least there is some type of support to help them out of hell. But I hate these shows too as it just sensationalizes so much of the situation.

But if it brings at least some awareness to folks or acts as a deterrent for some to even start drugs, then the shows have been a success.

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