Saturday, August 7, 2010

Backstreet's Back!

Oh, the dissing from friends. Well, at least it's friendly dissing.

I recently went with a friend to the Backstreet Boy's concert. Yep. Boy band lover! And the great part was that she loved them too. She made me look like an amateur boy band lover though. But just knowing that you can share an experience/like with someone and not be dissed is awesome. And really, for any concert, you can't go with someone that doesn't like the group.

For example, the guy sitting behind me. After the opening act, someone tapped me on the shoulder. She said that I need to be careful because the guy behind me (who she was sitting next to) had fallen asleep with a food tray on his lap...that was slowly slipping down his leg...and it had a full cup of beer in it. It was definitely looking like it was going to spill. So I just sat closer to the edge of the seat hoping to not be spilled on.

Thank goodness his girlfriend showed up. When she did, you could hear her asking "why are you so wasted? What's wrong with you? Do I have to take you home?" At that point, I turned around just to push his tray a bit and I just said to the girl that I didn't want him to waste his beer. She was good about it.

But the next thing you know, the guy is puking his guts out. Yeah, he's behind me, puking on the floor. Nasty. So the girl that originally tapped me on the shoulder told me to go get security. She was nice enough to say to the guy's girlfriend that it wasn't her, but it was him and this wasn't acceptable. So off to report this guy. A bit of chaos and a hair check for puke. But in the end, the guy and his girlfriend were removed.

I felt terrible for his girlfriend because he ruined a great night out for her. Obviously he didn't want to be there. And she probably forked out a ton of money for the tickets, drinks, etc.

But even though it was literally a yucky situation, my friend and I got bumped up to 10th row. The other girls around us also got bumped up. I met some gals that were very nice. Enjoyed a much closer view of the Backstreet Boys. And I hope that was the opportunity for that girl to dump that loser boyfriend.

So, despite the drama and the dissing from friends, I must say, the Backstreet Boys have grown up, cute as ever, sounded good, had the moves and were just FUN to watch! Yep, I'm not too shy to say that I sang my little heart out, cheered, swayed, pumped my arms. It was a totally fun concert that I would do over again.

LOL! Though this was a great time to think about my younger days and how much I loved them, my body is definitely not able to handle late nights and I felt old when I woke up. I felt jet lagged. But well worth it for a fantastic concert and great time with a buddy!

1 comment:

kelly said...

so that guy puked... then that awful smell was coming from that, and not the backstreet boys.
