Monday, January 18, 2010


Last week was my All Staff conference. I basically planned 95% of it and had some friends help too. MY goodness. Let's just hope that I don't have to do that again anytime soon.

OMG. The amount of paperwork is horrendous. The approvals that also have to be in place is even crazier. And some people's attitudes were just plain rotten. That really put a damper on my mood. Not because of what they said to me, but more about how toxic these people were. Do they not understand that sometimes it's their extreme negativity is what makes them not well liked? As my big boss said in her opening speech, "you're not going to like every activity. But if you're going to be a hostage, then please go and do something else so that others can enjoy the remainder of the conference." People heard the message, but obviously some did not heed the message.

But even with all the craziness, I think it went really well. I learned a lot and there's very little that I would change. And some things were totally out of my control so I really couldn't do anything about it. For those that griped, bite me. I'm tired of your griping and then not willing to pitch in or provide another alternative. You're just addicted to your own bitching...and that's putting it mildly. I really don't like your company and won't be hanging out with you anytime soon.

And for those that were total pigs and ate so much so that others didn't get any food (and then told me it was my problem not theirs), then you can all bite me too. I'm sure they're going to be miffed one day when someone else does that to them...and then of course, they will scream foul. Ahhh...people drive me crazy.

I must admit that the conference really did take a lot out of me. The day after the conference, I worked 2 hours and then took the remainder of the day off. I felt jet lagged and could barely make it through the day. Or maybe it was just the crazies I had to deal with that took all my energy.

Either way, a good 3 years before I have to do all of this again.

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