Monday, December 28, 2009


Another Christmas. Boy, it sure went by fast! Hard to believe we wait so many days for the 1 event.

It was a different Christmas for us this year. We spent the 24th at my parent's house, and then on the 27th, we spent it at my in-laws. So, the actual day of Christmas, we were all at home and chilling. Never changed out of my pjs. It was great! I didn't feel like I was rushed to do anything. Sure, I cooked meals for folks and they were more extravagent than a normal day. But still, it was easy peasy. That's about the only chore I did. I promised myself that would be the only one I did because I know I work hard throughout the year.

Though we did have a bit of drama on the 24th. My youngest daughter was quite sick with a cold and started up with a fever. And she was quite uncomfortable while we were at my dad's for Christmas dinner. We left much earlier than expected, but my parents were very understanding.

When we got home, my daughter settled down, the meds were kicking in and she started to sleep. At about 11 something, my daughter gets up screaming! She's in the bathroom and basically has a bleeding nose. No big deal...but the sight is pretty horrifying. I pinched her nose, got tissue to plug her up and tilt her head forwards to avoid any nausea.

Well, after a couple of minutes, I was starting to freak out because her nose started to bleed like an actual faucet. And I'm not even remotely exaggerating here. It was completely flowing out quick and fast. By then, I was yelling loud enough for my husband to come out and help. It just didn't look right.

Sure enough, he agreed that it didn't look right and this kid's nose kept flowing. Oh, it really did look like a horror show around here. I've never seen this kid bleed like this. And I did end up calling the ambulance. I figured that I'd rather have them call me a total moron and pay the $54 than have my kid bleed to death. For my husband to be concerned too, you know it was looking bad.

The paramedics really were good to us and they didn't make us feel stupid at all. But by the time they came, sure enough, the flow had slowed. They checked her out and they made sure we knew to call them again if there were any concerns.

When everything was said and done, I went downstairs to just grab some water. When I looked at the clock, it was exactly 12:00am Christmas morning. Knowing my kid was fine was a very good Christmas present indeed.

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