Sunday, June 28, 2009


There is this one woman at work, who is not even in my department, that I have to work with from time to time. I'm going to try to be nice here...but she really is not the brightest star in the sky. She doesn't listen even though you tell her a gazillion times. She can't get things straight. She takes credit for a whole group's work. She takes forever to do anything. She doesn't get what goes on. And she's cheap as hell!!!

Being cheap is not a bad thing...but when you're at a fundraiser, if you spend money, even if it's a little more, you know it's going to a good cause. She spent a whole 75 CENTS for a brownie. But then, when the half price was going on, she came back downstairs, bought some more brownies, but then complained that she had to pay the full price of 75 cents for her first brownie. Hell if I was going to give a refund.

But I digress on why I think she's extremely difficult to work with. I have this one project (unfortunately, I have other projects with her) that I have to work with her on. I always provide my information and any changes that go along with it. However, she refuses to share her information even though, the process and our roles ensure I get the information. She can't give specifics on anything because she doesn't know or she doesn't want to share. So, I called the lead to ask what the actual process was. I wasn't tattling...but I thought maybe I was the one that was wrong. Maybe I didn't truly understand the process.

But when I talked to her, she actually said that was going to call me as the woman that I'm referring to actually tattled on me saying that I was doing everything wrong. Interesting timing. So I explained my frustrations and asked questions to clarify my role.

The best part was when the lead said that I was doing everything right. I'm not wanting to gloat but I just feel vindicated. All that frustration of working with this woman who is a few bricks short of a full load went away. Ok, it wasn't me.

The lead even said that it's unfortunate that this woman doesn't understand because the project does deal with the safety of I, as well as this woman who is about as sharp as a marble have to get it right. The lead will be calling the boss of this woman who is a few fries short of a happy meal to discuss the matter. I expect that I'll be receiving my information shortly.

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