Saturday, January 3, 2009


I've been watching Flip This House a bit lately. It's just kind of fun...taking a junker, fixing it up and selling it off for a profit. I like the idea but I definitely don't have that cash lying around nor do I have the manpower to get work done like that. And I really don't think my heart could take that kind of stress. EEEKS. That many thousands on over runs, etc...would make me cry way too many times.

Each time I watch the show, I'm actually quite amazed at what they can do with the house. But the one thing that pisses me off is why then can't spend an extra $10 to get some decent light fixtures. Really, for an extra $10-$50, that can be a real selling feature for the house. It really is the finishing touch that can make all the difference. Cheap out when you can, but don't cheap out on things that can make that much of a difference.

It's a good thing I'm not on that show...I'd be all over them about this.

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