Sunday, October 19, 2008


Well, it's been a wee while since i've blogged. It's just been a little crazy here. Everyone was sick. My last one is still recovering from croup. But the kids go to school and pick up everything that's gross and pass it to everybody else. We also have people at work who are deathly ill and decide that it's ok to come to work. So we get sick from them and pass it back to our kids. Yes, something about our immune system getting stronger. But, really, all at once?

I was quite sick where I finally succumbed to taking the night time cold medication. I really hate that stuff because it works so well. I'm always worried that something is going to happen where I can't hear what's going on and I just don't get up. Crazy, I know. I also hate taking this stuff because I find it takes a while to get through my system.

The one night I did take it, I ended up sleeping for about 10 hours (however, I still woke up twice as my kids were loud enough that I did wake up in between...twice). So it's not the best sleep. Anyways, I got up for breakfast and I was so tired after breakfast that I went back to sleep again! I'm sure it was the drugs.

Anyways, back to the grind tomorrow. It is Monday. Yay??

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