Sunday, August 17, 2008


I was all excited that it was finally Friday. I'm not entirely convinced that the world should work a 5 day week. All I know is that I worked hard all week, and I was going to be rewarded by finishing off the week on a good note.

It started off a little odd, as in the pace was odd. Fridays are usually my quiet days where I can accomplish a lot on my reports that are outstanding. However, I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and they'll get done soon enough. It was just incredibly busy...lot of requests and we just found out the Minister is coming. It's a ton of work for nothing, at least in my humble opinion (Miss A...I know you're just giggling that you're not having to prep for this Minister's visit!!).

I thought it was time to have lunch. I didn't bring one and I thought I'd go to the local congee house with a friend to catch up. Well, as I was partway through my meal, I heard a really loud cracking sound. Then I started to feel a bit of pain. I think I bit into a bit of bone , but basically, my filling and part of a tooth came out. I was kind of freaking out because I was worried that it would get infected. If anything, I was worried about any further pain.

My dentist is awesome. She was sweet enough to fit me in. However, she must think my pain tolerance is well above normal folk. She was going to clean with water and air on a tooth that almost has the nerve exposed. My teeth are already sensitive. So you can imagine my protests that this is not going to work unless I have drugs. I said I wanted two babies before having anything done to me without drugs. She gave me double the dose to shut me up. Medical science works for me!

So, I'm in for an appointment again to get a crown. =( Not looking forward to it, but it seems like the best alternative. Could have been worse...I could have HAD the nerve exposed, or I could have had to have the tooth extracted. So I'm thankful it happened how it did.

Oh well. That is life. Not much I can do about it.

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